
外國學生 | Foreign Student Admission






  1. 大學部非在華語地區畢業者,須檢附新版華語能力測驗(TOCFL)聽讀流利級(B2),英語能力B1。
  2. 申請學生須繳交推薦信2 封。


  1. 聯絡電話:+886-49-2910960 ext.3801
  2. Email:hcheng@ncnu.edu.tw
  3. 網址:https://tcasl.ncnu.edu.tw/index.php


  1. 「暨大華教,華師基地,語文科技,國際人才」,本學程旨在培養優質華語文教學研究國際人才,課程設計在引導學生充實華語文知識,具備多元類型課程的教學能力,養成使用華語與英語或任一其他外語的雙語教學能力,以及將數位科技融入教學的技能。
  2. 重點特色為提供國內外教學實習完整培訓課程,循序漸進以強化學生在華語為二語與外語的教學環境經驗,培養學生跨文化溝通交際能力,開拓學生國際視野。在學術研究方面,學生可自行選定一項專業知識作為研究目標,包括中國語文、中國文化、中國藝術、傳播語言、數位多媒體與網路教學、教材編撰及華語文教學法等。本學程學生畢業時,不僅能掌握一種以上專業知能,並具有獨立教學以及學術研究能力。

Class: Spring, Fall

Chinese language requirements: Listening, Speaking, Rreading, Writing

Other documents as required by individual departments:

  1. Applicants who did not graduate from colleges in Chinese-speaking areas should submit a certificate of the Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language (TOCFL, formerly known as TOP) with a rating of LEVEL 5 (B2), English reference frameworks B1. 
  2. Applicants must submit two sealed letters of recommendation.


  1. Tel: +886-49-2910960 ext. 3801
  2. Email: hcheng@ncnu.edu.tw
  3. Website: https://tcasl.ncnu.edu.tw/index.php

Department characteristics:

  1. The purpose of this program is to provide high-quality training and guidance for qualified students who are interested in teaching Chinese as a second/foreign language at colleges and universities. The course design guides students to enrich their knowledge of Chinese language and culture, Chinese language teaching pedagogy, to develop bilingual teaching ability in Chinese and English or any other foreign language, and integrate scientific and technological information into teaching skills.
  2. The key feature is the training courses for teaching internships at home and abroad, which is designed step by step to strengthen students' experience in the teaching environment of Chinese as a second language as well as foreign language, enhance cross-cultural communication skills, and expand international perspectives. In terms of academic research, students choose a professional knowledge as a research objective. Research objects include Chinese language, Chinese culture, Chinese art, communication language, multimedia and online teaching, textbook compilation, and Chinese language teaching methods. Upon graduation from this program, students will master more than one effective major.